Happy New Year {Reflections and Goals}

Thanks for sharing!

Wow!!!  It's 2013!
The older that I get, the faster time seems to go by!!  I start getting nervous and a bit sad when I think about my oldest being a sophomore in high school.  In two short years he will be in college on his way to a life all his own.  My youngest will be a freshman in high school next year!  OMG!!!  What will I do with my life when they are out of the house?  It seems like just yesterday that they were babies and then toddlers!


 My sweet 13 year old baby!
Time flies!!!  Enjoy the short time we have with them before they are on their own in this crazy world! 

My precious 16 year old son! 
They are back to school today from their holiday break.  This is my first post since December 24th.  I decided that I wanted to spend that time with them as a family…..and we had a wonderful time!!!
Reflections on the past few months~
I started following several blogs back in the spring and became fascinated with the concept!  I quite frequently sometimes drive my family crazy with my decorating whims and crafting mess.  My children have begged my to quit taking my knitting to their sporting events.  How could that possibly embarrass them??  I decided that I needed something that was all mine and it was a blog!  I jumped right in with very little research!  In hindsight, I should have had the blog designed and ready before starting (it is still not completely finished!).  I was just ready to create and share! I couldn't wait!!!  I want to thank those of you from the bottom of my heart that have followed even when my blog wasn't so professional looking.  I'd also like to welcome any new followers! 
I have really been learning lots from some really special people.  Pamela over at From My Front Porch to Yours has been so sweet and gracious in answering crazy questions for me.  I have so much more to learn, and I am loving every bit of the journey.  I have even decided to go to my very first blogging conference in Atlanta in August!  I am really excited!!!
Haven Conference
2013 Goals
Yep, I no longer called them resolutions!  There doesn't seem to be the guilt factor if I call them goals and don't reach them!
I have a few that are on the personal side for me like taking a bit more time for myself in terms of….
That dirty little word exercise!!!  I am starting an exercised based class 2-3 times per week tomorrow.  The great thing about this is that several friends take it AND a friend teaches it.  They know where to find me!  I am starting an ibuprofen drip tonight!
I am going to take better care of my hands.  I feel prettier when my nails are painted!  Lol!!  My goal is to paint them on Friday so they will be nice for the weekend.  I have found an awesome product that I'll share with you on Favorite Things Friday.  I plan to do this myself!  No expensive manicure here.  I'd rather spend the money on house paint!
I love reading novels, but seem to mainly do it in the summer.  Why is that?  I hope to read more in 2013.  Facebook, magazines and blogs don't count!  I am starting Gone Girl today on my Ipad Kindle app!
Blog Goals
I love my blog!  It has given me the motivation that I needed to get excited again about decorating our home.  I have truly enjoyed the “virtual” friendships that are building.  Reading those sweet comments on something that I've worked so hard on really puts a special smile on my face!
I want to learn and grow as a blogger in 2013!  I have lots to absorb!
I really need to learn to take better pictures with my point and shoot camera.  I know I need to use a tripod and no flash, but they still look like crap!  I hope to one day have a big girl camera!  I am hoping to find some great tutorials and blogs with help in this area.  If you know of any, please let me know!
I have purchased Photoshop Elements 11.  It looks like a foreign language to me!  Plan to research and learn that baby!  Any advice or tips would be welcome. 🙂
My Facebook page has taken off, and I really want to work at bringing those folks over to my blog.
I want to always enjoy my blog and not ever have it become a chore!  For that reason, I will strive to have 2-3 meaningful posts per week.  Kuddos to those with major daily posts!   My family is my number 1 priority!!
I have lots of plans for projects for our home big and small.  I can't wait to get started.  A few are going to be a MAJOR learning experience and I'll enlist the help of my hubby!  He'll be learning as well! 
These are all challenges and goals that I so look forward to in 2013!  I thank you for being here with me to share the experience!!!
Big Hugs!


Thanks for sharing!

Also on OSH!  Kitchen Tours and an awesome GIVEAWAY

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  1. Hi, Christy! Just discovered your blog via Pamela over on FB and had to come over for a little visit. I think you are smart to set goals rather than resolutions. Resolutions almost make you feel doomed from the get-go, where as goals are rather open-ended. Even accomplishing part of a goal feels like a true accomplishment. I think you are doing a great job with your blog, and there is nothing wrong with “learning as you go.” I jumped in with both feet a little over two years ago and haven’t regretted it at all. There is such a wealth of knowledge and such wonderful friendships right at your fingertips — it’s just an amazingly fun and heart-warming world of “Blogland.” I am your newest follower. Happy New Year to you and your lovely family, and keep having fun with your blog!


    1. Oh Carol! You are so sweet. I am so glad you are here. I really appreciate the kind words of encouragement! I am going to try to click on your name to see if I can find your blog. If not, I’ll let you know here! Have a beautiful day! Christy

  2. Christy- I do think the best thing to do sometimes is just JUMP RIGHT IN-which is just what you did. When your heart tells you GO the other things will fall into place. Your blog is wonderful-you are doing a great job- hang in there.

    Your kiddos are darling-even if they don’t like you doing needlework at their sporting events. xo Diana

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