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Countdown to Christmas and a GIVEAWAY from Balsam Hill

**This post is sponsored by Balsam Hill. I was provided product and/or compensation for this post. All opinions are that of Our Southern Home**


Only 5 days into December, and I am in full on Christmas mode! How about you?

One of the reasons that I love decorating so much, is that my teen daughter loves it, too. She is a huge help with the decorating. For a 16-year-old, she's got great ideas!

I can't wait to share you what we put together and how special it is for me. 

I'm joining 23 other bloggers this week for a very fun Countdown to Christmas Blog Hop with Balsam Hill. That's not it! They also have a fabulous GIVEAWAY!

Balsam Hill is giving away 25 gift cards worth $100 each! Be sure to enter now through December 25, 2015!

If you are coming over from Angie's blog Postcards From the Ridge….Welcome. I am so excited to have you over for a bit today! I love how Angie used the Santa Stops Here calendar. Her Christmas home is just beautiful!

You can read all about the tour and the blogger participating in this festive even at Balsam Hill.

**This post contains affiliate links**


Countdown to Christmas blog hop sponsored by Balsam Hill featuring 24 bloggers including Our Southern Home


I almost picked this item, but decided on this beautiful advent calendar!


Countdown to Christmas blog hop sponsored by Balsam Hill featuring 24 bloggers including Our Southern Home


The details are just amazing. This is definitely heirloom quality.  Christmas means so much to Ashlyn. She loves the decorating and everything else. I told her that one day when she had children, I'd hand it down to her. That's quite a ways off, so until then…..we will enjoy it. You can find this beautiful musical advent calendar HERE

Also on OSH!  The Essential Stocking Stuffer


Balsam Hill Blog Hop with Our Southern Home 46.58


Each day of the countdown has a little door with a compartment to hide a little treat. I'm still adding goodies to mine. I'm placing candy, favorite ornaments to add to the tree and a few personal goodies like a new nail polish color. I'll probably even add a couple of notes. There will be a little something for everyone in the family. This musical advent calendar is heirloom quality guaranteed to create memories.


Countdown to Christmas blog hop sponsored by Balsam Hill featuring 24 bloggers including Our Southern Home


I wonder if anyone will sneak a peek before the day? Every time you open a door, it plays a different Christmas song. It is just so magical. I can see children of all ages loving this. It would make a wonderful gift for your grandchildren. 


Balsam Hill Blog Hop with Our Southern Home 44.09


It looks so nice with the book pages tress that I made a couple of years ago. Start your family tradition today with this Musical Advent Calendar

You can see the video of the advent calendar in action below!


Be sure to visit Balsam Hill for details and for entering this fabulous GIVEAWAY! 

Tomorrow be sure to visit Amy from Eat, Sleep, Decorate to see how she's decorating with Balsam Hill this holiday season! 

Christmas is all about creating those special memories with your family. I'd love for you to share what is it to you!

I invite you to join me on social media!

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