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Mod Podge Fall Mum Bucket {Tutorial}

Today I'd like to share with you my Mod Podge mum bucket craft tutorial project for last year's fall porch. This time last year my blog was a newborn and on a different platform, Blogger. I made the switch to WordPress in April. I am in the process of going back and redoing all of my fall photos and posts from last year! They look very wacky from the move!

This was such a fun Mod Podge craft project. I just pulled all of my fall decor from the attic yesterday. I am busy brainstorming ideas to use what I already to have to change things up a bit this year!




Check out the bucket used here in my Southern Fall Porch post! 

Here is my tutorial for the Fall Decoupage Bucket.  It may seem like a lot of steps, but really is not.  I just really wanted to give those newbies to decoupage explicit instructions.  So here we go….

Materials List

galvanized buckets
spray primer (I used grey)
black flat spray paint
clear spray sealer
paper to make pattern
decorative paper
Mod Podge
measuring tape
painters tape
mums or any flower

Here are the buckets purchased for just under $10 each at Lowe's.


First, you will want to remove the stickers so you have a very clean surface.  I used Goo Gone.  Make sure the bucket is thoroughly dry before spraying with one coat primer.  I used Valspar grey because that is what I had on hand.  I do use grey a lot because it is easier for me to see when covering pieces especially in white.   It is just a personal preference.  Let this dry completely before spraying the black.  Don't be tempted to skip the priming step.  Always remember that a little primer new hurt anyone!  Then spray two coats of your flat black drying in between.  Notice that I sprayed the top interior of the bucket so no potential silver would show.  I also sprayed the bottom in case I ever decided to use it as a stand.  I sprayed one coat upside down and the other right side up.  This insured that all grooved areas were coated.

Also on OSH!  Vintage Book Flowers {tutorial}




After your buckets have thoroughly dried, you will want to make a pattern for your printed paper.  This is a picture of the items that I used for the next set of steps. You could really use any kind of paper you have on hand.  I had a roll of craft paper that I used.  My decorative paper is wrapping paper.


Now, you by no means have to have the rotary cutter and mat.  I have had this for several years for various other sewing and craft projects.  If you are an avid crafter, this would be a handy investment.  My wrapping paper has a definite pattern and I wanted to keep the exact pattern shape.  You don't have to be so exact since the paper will wrap around the sides.  You could easily use a carpenter's square and yard stick as well.  Use what you have!

I used a flexible tape measure like you'd use for body measurements or clothing construction since I was working with a rounded surface.  As you will see in the next photo, the bucket has a divider band running down each side.  This really is great in that you can work with 1/2 the area at a time.  I cut a strip of the pattern paper a couple of inches longer and wider than the area needed.  Since the bucket is slightly graduated in shape I taped this piece to the bucket using painters tape.  Regular scotch tape will not stick-I tried!  Painters tape will not cause damage either.  Use a pencil and trace out the area to decoupage.  This is simple since I used the grove as a guide.  You only need to make 1 pattern and use it on each section.  Be sure to remember or mark which part is top and bottom since it is graduated.  Cut it out and make sure it is a nice fit.

Also on OSH!  Christmas Chalk Art & Playroom Decor


 Determine the exact placement of the pattern on top of the design.  Make sure to do the same for each section.  Tape the pattern onto the decorative paper using painters tape lightly.  Do NOT use scotch tape.  It would be difficult to remove and tear your paper.  Lightly trace the pattern with pencil.  Cut out the pattern.  Go on and do this for the amount of sections you will need.  Much easier to do while the measurements are in your pretty head.  Double check that it still lines up nicely on the bucket. 



Now, we are ready for the fast, fun part…..decoupage!!!!  This is what you need for this part.
Simply place down a sheet of waxed paper to protect your surface. I love waxed paper! It is cheap and my projects do not stick to it. Pour a good amount of the Mod Podge into a paper plate. Using a foam brush, coat the entire back side of the decorative paper. Now coat the part of the bucket you are applying the paper. No need to be exact. Mod Podge dries clear!!! Position the paper in the area. You have wiggle room to get it just the way you want. Rub out any air bubbles and seams down. Do the same to the other half of the bucket. Does it look the way you want?? Make necessary adjustments. Now, put a thin coat of Mod Podge over the top of the paper. It will quickly start to dry clear. When dry,  apply 2 more coats. On the 3rd and final coat, apply it to the entire outside of the bucket that will be seen. I did not do this on the handle.
Notice how the bucket on the left is completely dry and the one on the right has just been coated.  Allow to thoroughly dry.  Take the buckets outside and coat with a clear sealer.  I had a gloss sealer on hand and just used it.
You could invert the bucket and use it as a pumpkin stand as well! There are many uses and color combinations. I really like the color combination of this one. It really brings out the black in my rug and adds an elegant touch to a casual fall setting. I plan to use this at Christmas as well…..perhaps with some poinsettias on my front family room steps. Happy Fall, y'all!
Please check back for the reveal of the front porch displaying this project!
You can find my Southern Fall Porch HERE!.
Thanks so much for stopping by! This Mod Podge mum fall bucket really gives your own personal touch to your fall decor since you can chose your paper and spray paint color! I am busy getting those other fall posts rewritten from last year! More soon!!



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  1. I love this idea. I would like to use this idea for Christmas. We are doing a country theme. Have any ideas? Would I be able to use burlap?

    1. Thanks! Burlap would look great! Just check out all the Mod Podge options at the craft store. Any kind of fabric would be beautiful! I like the burlap idea. Then maybe tie a pretty plaid ribbon around the middle. This is going to be pretty!!! ~Christy

    1. Thanks bunches, Kelly! I keep checking here as well. Still no mums, corn stalks or pumpkins! Sure hoping they start to surface in the next week! Happy Fall! ~Christy

    1. Thanks so much, Sandy! I just pulled the buckets from the attic to start thinking about fall decorating and they look brand new! Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend! ~Christy

    1. Thanks so much, Cynthia! I love fall as well. I just pulled it all out of the attic to start getting ready! Have a great weekend!! ~Christy

  2. I worked out in my flowerbeds today and it was so delightful about 8 am and I dug up two Azeleas that had some kind of disease or condition. I think some of the solution from power washing a few months ago got on them. The one that was planted the deepest always bloom so beautifully for me. It got up to 85 but it is begining to feel like Fall is in the air, does that make sense. I wonder what kind of winter we will have coming up. The last two winters have been so mild, we’re due for a cold, and snowy one I think.

    Love your Fall decorations. Harris Teeter had some beautiful mums today but I didn’t buy them, as I have some in the back flowerbed. I don’t want summer to end and buying mums reminds me that Fall is around the corner. I love hot weather. We need rain so bad. I’ve watered the flowerbeds for two days straight and I probably will water them again tomorrow unless it rains tonight.

    Thanks for the easy tuitorial. Here in our gated, Sr. Citizens community, there is not much decorating done and no trick or treaters allowed. Yeh! I don’t miss that night at all.

    1. Thanks so much, Betty! We don’t get trick or treaters here in the country, but the kids and I have always enjoyed decorating as if we do! You have been busy in your yard! I pray you get rain very soon. Have a wonderful holiday weekend! ~Christy

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