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Back To School Ideas

I am starting to feel a bit sad. It happens ever August around this time. 

It's Back-to School Time!

I am writing this post at the beach. We go every summer right before school starts back. It's that last bit of free time before routines and schedules become the norm.

My daughter starts her senior year of high school on Tuesday. My son heads back to college next weekend. 

Routines and schedules are not horrible. It's just not having everyone under one roof that gets me.


School is officially in session at Inspiration Monday Party!

In preparation for the big day,  the “Back to School Ideas & Tips” from last week's party are the focus of this week.
There were a ton of them, and I wish I could feature them all.
Thank you to those of you that linked up.
Alright…lets get class started!
Inspiration Monday Party
This weeks feature's were chosen by Julie from Redhead Can Decorate.
Back to School Ideas & Tips
hugs and kisses
Please keep in mind:
  • Be sure to mingle with other party guests.
  • Link up all of your creative fun…including recipes, crafts, printables, DIY projects and other fabulous things you’ve been up to on YOUR blog.
  • Please do not link Etsy stores, giveaways, or other link parties.
  • By linking up to the Inspiration Monday Party you are giving the eight blogs, listed below, permission to feature your project and/or photos on our social media outlets and blogs.
Be sure to follow us on social media, as we love to feature your links there:
Are you feeling inspired? We are, too!

Also on OSH!  Six DIY Outdoor Projects

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