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DIY Monogrammed Chalk Art

I am so excited to announce a new monthly series with a few of my southern blogging friends to share Southern Style Decorating! I'm sure you've heard of them all!

Our Southern Home, Refresh Restyle, Top This Top That , 

At Home with The Barkers, Daisy Mae Belle

Each month we are going to bring you 5 themed projects to hopefully get your creative juices flowing!

This month the theme is Monograms. 

DIY Monogrammed Chalk Art by Our Southern Home #chalkart #monogramcraft

 I love chalk art, and I haven't created a new piece for my large chalkboard since Christmas. Yes, it has been blank since the end of December.  Sad…I know.

I wanted to create something simple that would be perfect for everyday no matter the season!

DIY Monogrammed Chalk Art via Our Southern Home #chalkart #monograms #monogramcrafts #diy

 I use my regular method. It's really pretty simple. I print my graphic on an overhead transparency and project it with my thrift store overhead. You can also follow the method that I did for my Fresh Farm Tool Box using all chalk instead of oil pastels and paint.

First of all, I used the fabulous website PicMonkey.com. There is a free version and a paid version. 

DIY Monogrammed Chalk Art via Our Southern Home #chalkart #monograms #monogramcrafts #diy

Here is one printed on on regular copy paper. I am providing you with the template to print your own!

JPEG Monogram Template

PNG Monogram Template

Steps to create your own:

1.  Save file to your computer

2. Upload photo to edit in Picmonkey

3. Add Initial to the center using the font Janda Stylish Script at size 909

4. Add your date at the bottom in font Playfair Display at size 268

Also on OSH!  How To Make a GPS Coordinates Sign

5. Save to computer and print to desired size. 

6. Saving as a PNG will allow only the colored areas to print. It will not print the white space. 

7. If you aren't familiar with PicMonkey, I'll be happy to make it for you. Just email you initial and year. Allow time as I am one busy gal these days!

8. You can print and use for other things like in a frame or a painted sign!

DIY Monogrammed Chalk Art via Our Southern Home #chalkart #monograms #monogramcrafts #diy

If you are a crafter or DIYer, I highly recommend an overhead! I found mine for $20 something at the thrift store last summer!

DIY Monogrammed Chalk Art via Our Southern Home #chalkart #monograms #monogramcrafts #diy

Tape your project to the overhead so it doesn't get moved by kids, your foot knocking it or a wagging tale. I've finally learned!

DIY Monogrammed Chalk Art via Our Southern Home #chalkart #monograms #monogramcrafts #diy

Here is my fancy container with regular chalk , pencil sharpener and a chalk pen….love it by the way! 

DIY Monogrammed Chalk Art via Our Southern Home #chalkart #monograms #monogramcrafts #diy

Use a hair dryer to blow away the chalk dust when finished! This method is so fast. It only took about 30 minutes to draw and color in!

DIY Monogrammed Chalk Art via Our Southern Home #chalkart #monograms #monogramcrafts #diy

DIY Monogrammed Chalk Art via Our Southern Home #chalkart #monograms #monogramcrafts #diy

DIY Monogrammed Chalk Art via Our Southern Home #chalkart #monograms #monogramcrafts #diy

DIY Monogrammed Chalk Art via Our Southern Home #chalkart #monograms #monogramcrafts #diy

I'm kind of addicted to chalk art. Once you make your chalkboard…it's kind of like free art!

How to make a chalkboard HERE

Halloween Chalk ArtChristmas Chalk Art, Super Bowl Chalk Art


Be sure to visit the other southern gals!

Daisy Mae Belle

Refresh Restyle

At Home with The Barkers

Top This Top That


Link Parties that OSH parties at on occasion!  Sunday: DIY Show Off Monday:  Between Naps on the PorchHome Storis A to Z TuesdayNot Just A Housewife,   The Scoop at Cedar Hill Farmhouse and Inspire Me Party at A Stroll Thru Life, Setting for Four – Project Inspire{d}, My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia  Wednesday:   Savvy Southern Style Thursday:  My Repurposed Life From My Front Porch to YoursHome and Garden Thursday at A Delightsome Life ,No Minimalist Here , Imparting Grace Friday:  French Country Cottage,  Miss Mustard Seed Furniture FridayCommon GroundThe Charm of HomeRooted in ThymeImparting GraceKeep Calm and Link UpMy Romantic Home – Show and Tell Friday,  Craftberry Bush – Inspiration Gallery Friday,  SnapCreativity – Show and Tell, Tatertots and Jello

Also on OSH!  DIY Outdoor Living Ideas



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  1. Hi! I am in the process of doing this, but when I click on the files, Google docs doesn’t give me the option to save. It allows me to download, but not as an image, so Pic Monkey won’t let me pull it up. Am I doing something wrong? I am trying to do this while my daughter naps, so I am sure you can empathize with the urgency! (ha!)

  2. My chalk pens leave their mark – I bat seem to fully erase what has been drawn – this is on homemade chalk boards also – any advice…

    1. Nickie,

      This is the first time that I’ve used the pens. I’ll have to let you know. I sure hope it isn’t too bad because I loved using them! Have you tried wiping it down with a wet rag and maybe re-priming with a flat piece of chalk? I’m going to have to research around on this one! I’ll keep you posted! ~Christy

    1. Thanks so much! It is temporary! It is the 4th one I’ve made on this chalkboard. I use PicMonkey or Picasa. ~Christy

  3. I love a big chalkboard! Great tip on using the hair dryer! I usually blow on it and that doesn’t work as well 😉
    Have a great week!

    ps. I bought my projector at Goodwill for $19.99, must be the going price!

    1. Lol! I’d be happy to send you one…just send my wedding year. No, it’s for inside. Just a beautiful day to photograph outside and not have to pull out the light kit! Lazy!! ~Christy

  4. LOVE! My youngest just bought an overhead projector at a yard sale! It is for her “classroom” in her bedroom 🙂 I’m going to have to borrow it for some chalkboard art! Life to the full! Melissa

    1. Thanks, Melissa!!! You may have to go halvsies with your daughter. I’ve gooten so much use out of it!!! ~Christy

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