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Holiday Cookie Goodness

I am so excited to be participating in Barbara's first cookie exchange party through The Everyday Home! Now before my immediate family reads this, let me clarify something! I always burn the bread and cookies. You see, I get distracted, and they say I forget….but I say I don't hear the buzzer or it simply doesn't work right!

I was extra careful to stay in the kitchen while my cookies baked this time….I needed pretty cookie pictures after all!


You will find the complete listing of blogs below. 

Guess what! I have 2 recipes to share with you…..a sweet and a savory. Yes, I have trouble making my mind up!

First up is the sweet! This is not my recipe. It is from one of my many Paula Deen cookbooks, but I thought it was worth sharing. They make a lot and are perfect for gift giving. Woods just delivered several dozen to a few neighbors, and Ashlyn is talking a dozen to share with friends at lunch tomorrow. Why am I getting rid of them? They are so stinking good….if I keep too many, I'll eat them all day. I have a big sweet tooth! I did not make with the raisins or cranberries. The kids don't like either!

Monster Cookies

 Perfect after school snack with a glass of milk….well maybe not three!

Monster Cookies

Monster Cookies
Yields 72
This recipe is perfect for holiday gift giving because it makes 6 dozen! The way that I mix the ingredients is a bit different that the original recipe, but I find it works better for me.
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Cook Time
10 min
Cook Time
10 min
  1. 6 eggs
  2. One- 1 pound box of light brown sugar
  3. 2 cups of granulated sugar
  4. 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  5. 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  6. One 24 ounce jar of creamy peanut butter
  7. 2 sticks of butter softened...not melted
  8. 8 ounces of M&M's
  9. 8 ounces of chocolate chips
  10. 1/2 cup of raisins or dried cranberries (optional)
  11. 4 teaspoons baking soda
  12. 9 cups of quick-cooking oatmeal (not instant)
Also on OSH!  My quest to slim down
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
  2. Pre-cut 6 sheets of parchment paper to fit standard sized cookie sheets whether you have 1 or more cookie sheets
  3. I use my kitchen Aid stand mixer to mix the eggs, brown sugar and granulated sugar very well to thoroughly blend
  4. I then add the salt, vanilla,butter and peanut butter mixing well
  5. Then add the M&M's, chocolate chips, baking soda and raisins if using blending well on slowest speed
  6. You will see that the mixer bowl is quite full! I transfer this mixture to a very large mixing bowl
  7. Add your 9 cups of oatmeal and really work to mix it together. You may need to use your hands
  8. Drop by tablespoonfuls 2 inches apart onto the prepared cookie sheets
  9. Bake for 8-11 minutes depending on oven until very light golden brown. Do not overbake.
  10. Let stand for 3 minutes before transferring to wire racks to cool
  11. Store in airtight containers
  1. I find that it works much better for me to mix all of the ingredients with the electric mixer with the exception of the oatmeal. I know all is blended well before adding oatmeal. I do end up using my hands to mix in the end
  2. I only have 2 cookie sheets. I pre-cut 6 sheets of parchment paper in advance. I know that 12 cookies will fit on 1 sheet. I then place all of the cookies on the paper. All that I have to do is slide the empty cookie sheet under the parchment paper and it is ready to go into the oven
Adapted from Paula Deen & Friends
Adapted from Paula Deen & Friends
Our Southern Home https://www.oursouthernhomesc.com/

Now the next recipe is from my mom. It is a savory cookie and really more for the adult. I never liked them as a child, but she made them for her and Dad. Now, as an adult….I love them. They are great as an appetizer served with grapes and wine. They are a Pecan Cheese Wafer. Thanks Mom!

Also on OSH!  Toy Chest Chalk Paint Makeover

Pecan Cheese Wafers

Just the right blend of cheese and spiciness!

Pecan Cheese Wafers

 Even better with a glass of wine!

Pecan Cheese Wafer
Yields 30
A wonderful savory treat to accompany wine!
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Cook Time
20 min
Cook Time
20 min
  1. 8 ounce block of sharp cheddar cheese
  2. 2 sticks of butter, softened not melted
  3. 2 cups of all-purpose flour
  4. 1 teaspoon salt
  5. 1/2 teaspoon red cayenne pepper
  6. 1 teaspoon of water
  7. 30 pecan halves
  1. Makes 30 cookies
  2. Let the cheese and butter get soft at room temperature
  3. grate the block of cheese
  4. Mix the cheese and butter together with a mixer
  5. Add the salt and cayenne pepper and mix
  6. Gradually add the flour
  7. Add the 1 teaspoon of water
  8. Chill in refrigerator for about 15-30 minutes so it isn't as sticky
  9. Mixture is quite dry!
  10. Use a regular teaspoon and scoop out rolling into a ball
  11. Flatten ball slightyly trying to maintain a nice circle shape
  12. Place 1 pecan half in the center
  13. Place on parchment lined baking sheet
  14. Bake for approximately 20-22 minutes until just lightly golden
  15. Cool slightly and transfer to a wire rack
  1. This mixture is very dry that is why I decided to add the 1 tsp of water at the end. I was out, but I'd like to experiment with Worcestershire sauce.
  2. Mom usually made these much smaller than mine yielding twice the amount. If using as an appetizer with other foods, you may want to make smaller. If making as more of a cookie size it will yield 30.
Our Southern Home https://www.oursouthernhomesc.com/

 I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season! After all of these wonderful cookie recipes, I'm going to need to do a post on 30 days of stomach crunches in January! Lots of yummy recipes. Don't miss out on any. The full list is below!

Also on OSH!  No Sew Stars and Stripes Wreath



Cranberry-Pecan-White Chocolate Chunk Cookies at The Everyday Home



 Please visit the following blogs to see what cookies

they have “brought” to the Christmas Cookie Exchange…




Click on any picture or the link below it to see your favorite cookies!


Everyday Home Atta Girl Says

Everyday Home | Atta Girl Says


Southern Color Deja Vue Designs

Southern Color | Deja Vue Designs


Shabby Art Boutique All Things Heart and Home

Shabby Art Boutique | All Things Heart and Home


Town N Country Living Worthing Court Blog

Town and Country Living | Worthing Court


Lilacs and Longhorns Inspiration for Moms

Lilacs and Longhorns | Inspiration for Moms


Vintage News Junkie Marty's Musings

Vintage News Junkie | Marty's Musings


Domestically Speaking My Soulful Home

Domestically Speaking | My Soulful Home


Virginia Sweet Pea Our Southern Home

Sweet Pea | Our Southern Home


A Delightsome Life Cottage at the Crossroads

A Delightsome Life | Cottage at the Crossroads


Penny Wise Major Hoff Takes a Wife

Pennywise | Major Hoff Takes a Wife


Country Design Style House on the Way

Country Design Style | House on the Way


Fresh Idea Studio Confessions of a Plate Addict

Fresh Idea Studio | Confesions of a Plate Addict


Stone Gable Create and Babble

Stone Gable | Create and Babble


So Much Better with Age Cupcakes and Crinoline

So Much Better with Age | Cupcakes and Crinoline


The Happier Homemaker

The Happier Homemaker


Now it's YOUR turn to share your favorite Christmas Cookie,

Bar or Christmas Treat Recipes.

Link Parties that OSH parties at on occasion!

Monday:  Between Naps on the PorchBoogieboard Cottage – Masterpiece Monday

Tuesday:  The Scoop at Cedar Hill Farmhouse and Inspire Me Party at A Stroll Thru Life, Setting for Four – Project Inspire{d} 

Wednesday:   Savvy Southern Style

Thursday:   From My Front Porch to Yours52 MantelsStone GableHome and Garden Thursday at A Delightsome Life, The Shabby Creek Cottage ,No Minimalist Here

Friday:  French Country CottageMy Repurposed LifeMiss Mustard Seed Furniture FridayCommon GroundThe Charm of HomeRooted in Thyme,Imparting GraceKeep Calm and Link Up,  at the picket fence – Inspiration Fridays,  My Romantic Home – Show and Tell Friday,  Craftberry Bush – Inspiration Gallery Friday,  SnapCreativity – Show and Tell  


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  1. These look delicious!
    How fun to include a savory cookie! I’m stealing that recipe for an upcoming party!
    Thanks for sharing- such fun being part of the tour

  2. They both sound amazing Christy! Oh my goodness…I will definitely be trying them. Especially the second one! Yum!
    Thanks so much for sharing! 🙂


  3. Both of these cookies sound wonderful. The monster cookies remind me of “trash” cookies, basically stirring in whatever you have on hand…including oatmeal! 🙂 The pecan cheese wafers sound perfect for a small bit of something after the big Christmas meal. Thanks ~Jeanette

  4. I love a monster cookie — and so does my son. That recipe is definitely a keeper, but I REALLY want to try the pecan cheese wafers. They sound terrific. A great twist on your traditional cheese straw.

  5. love love your website! learning a lot as I am not the most creative person! this may sound silly but when you give cookies as gifts, how do you like to present them? those decorative cans or boxes or what? thanks for the help! Kelly

    1. Thanks you so much!!! You are so sweet! Here is a link to where I order clear cello bags. They come in like a box of 100. I use these bags to even wrap gift cards with paper shreds and a pretty bow. For the cookies….I love these bags! I fill the bag and and tie with a beautiful wire ribbon and add a pretty gift tag. I even just make a simple one in Word and print on card stock. Great for small gifts. Dollar stores also have lots of cute boxes in their gift wrap sections. I am out of my bags right now so I had some white (from Wal-mart) lunch bags. I placed a dozen in the bag and had son walk over to neighbors. You could use those! Here is the link. Let me know anytime I can help! Merry Christmas~Christy


      Nashville Wraps has beautiful wrapping supplies!

  6. Stopping by from the Cookie Exchange! Your Monster Cookies sound delicious! Can you please ship a few to me, I’m sure you can’t eat 6 dozen by yourself 😉 Pinning for later!

    1. Lol! Too funny! Yes, I’m giving them away or I’ll eat all day! Holy cow I had one for breakfast with a cup of coffee! Merry Christmas! ~Christy

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