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Bunny Hoop Wreath and Swing Into Spring Party

According to the calendar it is officially spring! We have had an unusually bitter winter in the south so I am ready!

I can't think of a better way to usher in spring that to be co-hosting the Swing Into Spring link party! This week has been filled with such amazing creativity! 

Spring Into Spring Link Parties. Link up Friday at Our Southern Home

Today's theme is Spring Porches & Wreaths. You don't have to be a blogger to join the fun. Look through the thumbnails below and click any picture that you are interested in checking out! It will take you straight to that blog. Before you do that, I'd love for you to take a look at my Spring Bunny Embroidery Hoop Wreath and the posts of the other 2 fabulous ladies that I am co-hosting with! 

The Everyday Home

Confessions of a Plate Addict

Bunny Hoop Wreath by Our Southern Home #silhouettecameo #springwreath

1-Bunny Hoop Spring Wreath4 edit

I knew that I wanted to do something with my Silhouette Cameo and fabric. The first thing that I did was head to the online store and purchase a bunny image. It is saved to my library for ongoing use. I sized it to the appropriate size. I stepped away to get my fabric ready to cut. If you do not have a Silhouette, you could easily print an image online to make a pattern and continue!

Bunny Hoop Wreath by Our Southern Home #silhouettecameo #springwreath

I cut my fabric to fit my mat.

Bunny Hoop Wreath by Our Southern Home #silhouettecameo #springwreath

I used Silhouette's heat interfacing for fabric. I know you can use other heat bond interfacing, but for my first go I decided to use their product. 

I followed the directions and ironed the interfacing to the green fabric. It has now turned this fabric into an iron on piece.

Also on OSH!  Fall Home Tour

Bunny Hoop Wreath by Our Southern Home #silhouettecameo #springwreath

My bunny is now cut and I'm ready to iron it to my burlap that I'm using as the background.

Bunny Hoop Wreath by Our Southern Home #silhouettecameo #springwreath

 Follow the directions for the iron on interfacing you are using. I ironed it down. 

Bunny Hoop Wreath by Our Southern Home #silhouettecameo #springwreath

 I can't tell you how quickly this came together! Time to place the fabric in the embroidery hoop!

Bunny Hoop Wreath by Our Southern Home #silhouettecameo #springwreath

Just trim off the excess fabric around the hoop. I ended up placing the above hook off-center to the left so that I could attach the floral piece to it.

Bunny Hoop Wreath by Our Southern Home #silhouettecameo #springwreath

 I had leftover flowers from my Spring Monogrammed Wreath. I just cut and wired them together to make a fairly equal spray. The center area is for the bow.

Bunny Hoop Wreath by Our Southern Home #silhouettecameo #springwreath

 I slid a piece of Velcro between the 2 parts of the hoop to hang it. 

Bunny Hoop Wreath by Our Southern Home #silhouettecameo #springwreath

 Bunny Hoop Wreath by Our Southern Home #silhouettecameo #springwreath

 It's very simple and will easily carry me until I hang a summer wreath!

Here is the schedule for the week!

Mantels (Monday)

Craftberry BushFrench Country CottageThe Lilypad Cottage


Recipes (Tuesday)

Marty’s MusingsAtta Girl SaysMy Soulful Home


Crafts (Wednesday)

At the Picket FencePetticoat JunktionUncommon Designs


Vignettes (Thursday)

Worthing CourtStone GableHome is Where the Boat Is


 Porches & Wreaths (Friday)

The Everyday HomeOur Southern HomeConfessions of a Plate Addict

It's time to link up your porch and wreath projects for spring! I can't wait to see what you've created!!!

Link Parties that OSH parties at on occasion!  Sunday: DIY Show Off Monday:  Between Naps on the PorchHome Storis A to Z TuesdayNot Just A Housewife,   The Scoop at Cedar Hill Farmhouse and Inspire Me Party at A Stroll Thru Life, Setting for Four – Project Inspire{d}, My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia  Wednesday:   Savvy Southern Style Thursday:  My Repurposed Life From My Front Porch to YoursHome and Garden Thursday at A Delightsome Life ,No Minimalist Here , Imparting Grace Friday:  French Country Cottage,  Miss Mustard Seed Furniture FridayCommon GroundThe Charm of HomeRooted in ThymeImparting GraceKeep Calm and Link UpMy Romantic Home – Show and Tell Friday,  Craftberry Bush – Inspiration Gallery Friday,  SnapCreativity – Show and Tell, Tatertots and Jello

Also on OSH!  Christmas Dining Room





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  1. I should have saved all those hoops I had many years ago for my cross stitch projects. Your wreath looks adorable! Thank you for sharing and hosting our linky party, Christy!

  2. This is by far the cutest wreath I have seen, not to mention how easy it is to make. What a clever idea. Thanks for sharing. I also love the wrought iron you have it hanging on.

  3. And Christy, do you and other east coast Southerners have a ton of weird, unknown weeds this year now? UGH……. I do. I am so very close to using weed killer……. I hate to do it, but I am so overwhelmed this Spring.

  4. Oh I so love this…… and so needing it right NOW. I can’t completely copy it, but going to try. Gosh does this mess up my wonderful plans to pull the multitude of weeds in my back yard……. grin…… NOT!!!

  5. Hi Christy, what a cute idea! I hope you don’t mind if I borrow it for my daughter’s room decor! I think she’ll have a blast helping me put it together (we certainly had loads of fun making a Spring wreath that I am linking). I found your blog through Amy at AttaGirl Says, look forward to exploring it!

    Love all the inspiration in the link party.

    1. Thanks you so much!!!! I love hearing about mother/daughter projects! My daughter does a lot with me. Happy crafting! ~Christy

  6. That is sooo adorable, Christy! Love, love, love it. And it’s my kind of project too – quick and easy. I think I’ll be borrowing my daughter’s Silhouette.

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