Pork Tenderloin {Stuffed with Gouda and Bacon}

Our kids have been so busy with soccer and golf! We so look forward to a night of just practices since they are all over by 6pm! Last week was crazy busy! We finally had one earlier evening so I promised the kids a fancy dinner. They were so excited after our various nights of leftovers.
Now fancy for my 16 year old son would mean burgers on the grill. My 14 year old daughter knows fancy means fancy so no fooling her!
I have shared with you many times how much I turn to AllRecipes.com for help. I love that you can change the servings and it changes the ingredients list for you.
This is what I decided to cook.
Pretty fancy for a school night and with dessert…huh? The recipe called for 5 thick-cut chops. I have a family of 4, but increased the servings to 5 due to ravenous teens. My local market had no thick chops out, and I didn’t want to wait on the butcher so I just bought 2 tenderloins…..hoping for leftover dinner the next night. There was only enough left over for my daughter’s lunch plate for school. If you go to the site you can adjust the servings. Here is the link to the original recipe.
 Don’t turn away! This really doesn't take that long to prepare…..especially when you can turn the grilling duty over to your significant other.
You will need: (serves 5-6)
5 ounces of smoked Gouda cheese, shredded
2.8 oz bag of Oscar Meyer Bacon Recipe Pieces or 10 cooked slices of bacon
1/2 cup of chopped fresh parsley, I used Italian
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
2 to 2-1/2 lbs of pork tenderloin
2-1/2 tsp olive oil
1/2 tsp salt
ground black pepper
First I combined the cheese, bacon, parsley and 1/8 of a tsp of black pepper in a small bowl.
Since tenderloins are thicker than regular thick chops, I wrapped them in plastic and used my rolling pin to flatten. It flattened very easily!
Next I sharpened my chef’s knife so it would slice into it easily. I sliced each tenderloin in the center being very careful not to go all the way through. Also try to leave the ends in tact. This forms somewhat of an envelop and keeps the stuffing from falling out. Insert the stuffing.
I had a little stuffing left over so I just threw it away. Next you will need to use cooking twine to wrap it up. I’m not a master chef….lol! Just tie one end together and wrap her up and tie off the other end.
Now they are both bound up so nothing will fall out during grilling. Brush both sides with the olive oil. Season with the salt and remaining pepper.
Grill for approximately 30 minutes on medium heat or until temp reaches 165 degrees with a meat thermometer.
This recipe was a huge it!!! I will make this again. This would be great for company, and I’m sure you could experiment with cheeses. If you have a cheese that you think would work well…please share.
Just because the meat entre was fancy doesn't mean the rest of the meal has to be! I served it with roasted potatoes using the recipe on the back of the Lipton Onion Soup packet box, spinach salad and crusting French bread.
AND a fancy dinner would not be complete without dessert! A little help from Betty Crocker in the form of a quick and yummy chocolate sheet cake was all that was needed.

I hope you enjoy it! Please let me know if you have any questions.
This post was featured!!
Also on OSH!  St. Patrick's Day Projects

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  1. Tried this tonight and it was incredible. My husband just said “you wiped me out”. That’s good! Flavor was wonderful and meat was sooooo tender. Cooked it on the grill at medium and pulled it off after 30 minutes; tented it for 10 minutes and served with garlic new potatoes and broccoli with cheese sauce. Pure Heaven!

    1. Thanks so much, Kelly! We loved it. Great for company! I’ve go to check out your crock-pot appetizers and dips!

    1. Thanks Carol! The kids loved it!!! We all loved it. Will be using a lot this summer during prime grilling time!

  2. This looks and sounds amazing – easy too! So delighted you shared with Home and Garden Thursday, I will be featuring your post in this week’s party,

  3. I can’t wait to try this recipe!! Your kitchen must have smelled so good while you were putting this dinner together!! I remember those days of finally having one evening where everyone can be home at the same time, and how much I loved making a fancy dinner that we could all enjoy. Thanks for sharing this I’m bookmarking it for when I spy an opportunity…hmmmm maybe this Friday!! Hope you had a great Easter. Send some South Carolina Spring up to NY!!

    1. Thanks so much, Peggy! We had a very nice Easter. Hope you did as well. Our SC spring is cold right now…very typical! Warm 70s expected next week! Hope you enjoy the recipe 🙂

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