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Summer Dining Room {Hydrangea Beauties}

Thanks for sharing!

I just love summer……spending time outside, beautiful flowers, the beach and my kids being home all the time!

I've really been wanting to repaint the dining room a nice light, neutral color, but we put it on hold to do some exterior painting.  Maybe in the fall, I'll get around to it!

In the meantime, I had a goal of spending little to no money to lighten up the dining room with what I already had without the room being painted!

summer dining room

 My toile window treatments and EBay rug really allow me to be able to use different colors!  They have all of my favorite accent colors…blues, greens and reds!  I decided to lighten up the look of the table by using shades of blue as the main color.

summer dining table

I started with a clean slate.  I had in mind what I wanted to do in order to bring a touch of summer into this rather winter looking room! I simply laid out my same old Pottery Barn linen runner, but wanted to layer it!  I found this wonderful runner at HomeGoods.

summer dining table

So happy to see the price tag…..only $12.99!  That is the total cost for my blue summer dining room!

summer dining room

 I was really loving how the two runners looked layered together.  I then got several pieces of drift wood from my screened porch from our summers on Caswell Beach.  I arranged it down the center.  Then I just start adding elements. 

I haven't used my glass candlesticks in years!  I washed them all and loved the light and airy feel that they added.  I actually had the cream candles leftover from Christmas a couple of years ago and had never been used!  Score! Surely, I can't be the only one that gets excited “shopping” their own home.

Also on OSH!  Mason Jar Project Ideas

summer dining room

I usually do not use these floral dishes that were my Mom's wedding china except in the fall.  They have lots of blue so decided to add them to the mix! Mom gave me the set along with the crystal stemware a few years ago.  I just love them!!

I set the table rather simply and added my small Mason jars throughout the center. You see….my blue hydrangeas are in full bloom, and I was set on using them!!!

summer dining room

 These little goodies were purchased on a trip to France. We toured a crystal factory.  I bought these bud vases.  I thought they were so unique and perfect for individual place settings.  If you follow me on Instagram and Facebook, you may have participated in a question that I asked….What is This? You guys are so creative!!!! I got tons of additional uses from a tea bag holder to individual butter dishes!

summer dining room

 I haven't used them a while.  I washed them and placed Shasta Daisies from our garden in them.  They are beautiful also with a single rose.

summer dining table

 This is the first year that these young blue hydrangeas have bloomed!  They are gorgeous! I simply cut and added one stem in each water filled small Mason jar. God did a beautiful thing when he created hydrangeas!

summer dining room


summer dining room

 My summer assistant (14-year-old daughter) got to decorate this area in her own way.  She used an antique blue Mason jar that my mother gave me.  She placed shells around it from our Cape Cod trip when she was 2-1/2. I think she did a great job!

summer dining room


summer dining room


summer dining room


summer dining room

 To continue the coastal theme with our beach finds, I added a few clusters of shells here and there.

Also on OSH!  Study Mantle {Future Room Plans}

summer dining room

 Here you can see a bit more of the window treatment fabric that I love!

summer dining room


summer dining room


summer dining room


summer dining room


summer dining room

The daisies are short-lived only lasting the length of the meal, but the hydrangeas will last over a week if you keep replacing the water every couple of days!  They may even dry beautifully!

You do not have to spend a fortune decorating for the seasons.  Shop your home and use what you have in new ways!

It is also not necessary to spend money on expensive flowers!  Plant flowers and plants in your gardens that can be used indoors in vases such as roses, peonies and hydrangeas just to name a few!

Even green branches are stunning in a vase alone!


 I am so excited to be participating in this Summer Showcase of Homes July 22-26, 2013! My home will be on the 26th! Here is a listing of the other fabulous bloggers participating!! I am so honored to be apart of this amazing group of women! I'll be posting the full schedule! Be sure to sign up by email for updates!








Link Parties that OSH parties at on occasion!

Saturday:  Funky Junk Interiors

Sunday:  DIY ShowoffThree Mango Seeds

Monday:  Between Naps on the PorchAlderberry Hill/Make the Scene 

Tuesday:  Cedar Hill Ranch Cow Girl upMy Uncommon Slice of SuburbiaHome Stories A2Z/Tutorial and Tips,  Inspire Me PartyProject Inspired{d}Brag About It Tuesday

Wednesday:   Savvy Southern Style

Thursday:   From My Front Porch to Yours52 MantelsStone GableHome and Garden Thursday at A Delightsome Life, The Shabby Creek Cottage,No Minimalist Here

Also on OSH!  Creative DIYs for the Home

Friday:  French Country CottageMy Repurposed LifeMiss Mustard Seed Furniture FridayCommon GroundThe Charm of HomeRooted in Thyme,Imparting GraceKeep Calm and Link Up

Beneath My Heart



Thanks for sharing!

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    1. Thanks so much, Sandra! I am so blessed that she enjoys what I do at 14! She is a big help to me and she just loves it! Hopefully, she will remember and cherish those memories when she has a home and family of her own one day! ~Christy

  1. Don’t you just love Home Goods? My favorite place to shop or browse! If you see something you like, buy it that day as it might not be there when you go back for it in a few days or tomorrow. Learned the hard way! Lots of decorators shopping with clients there.

    1. Hi Betty! Yes, HomeGoods is wonderful! I have taken clients to shop there as well. It is such an economical way to decorate your home! ~Christy

  2. Christy,
    What a beautiful tablescape! I have enjoyed our hydrangeas so much this summer. Yours seem such a beautiful shade..have to try to make mine a deeper blue color. I know a nursery that sells the stuff to change the color(guess it’s called some type of fertilizer or nutrient for hydrangeas) When I moved here 8 years ago, the previous owners had left me about 8 or 9 mature hydrangea bushes and I have had all removed but one and that is the one that always seemed to do the best. I wanted all that space for other perennials and my peonies, etc. I’m glad I had them removed. Thanks for sharing. and I am having a friend over for lunch on Friday and I’m going to cut some of my hydrangeas for the centerpiece. She’s an avid and gifted gardener and has shared tall garden phlox with me plus she gave me a shamrock plant when I was there last and it is doing well.

    1. Hydrangeas are such a blessing! I am nuts for them!! I bet that shamrock plant is really neat! ~Christy

  3. Your table is so beautiful.Love the colour combo.Love the runner and the flower arrangement.Everything looks great.It;s always a nice feeling to see beautiful posts like this.Thank you for this lovely share.Hope you too visit me..loveto hear from you…Sujatha…:):)

    1. Thanks so very much for the sweet compliments! I am so happy to have you visit. I’ll be visitng you as well! ~Christy

  4. Your tablescape is stunning! I love your centerpiece and thank you for sharing the tutorial on how you did it..I’m specially impressed with how you used two tunners, awesome! I love your lovely china and your dining furniture is gorgeous in a beautiful dining room. I so adore dining rooms. I just followed you…hope you like to do so too. I’m also a tablescaper, it’s my fav thing to post!

    1. Thanks so very much! I’ll give you a visit as well! I hope you have a lovely weekend. 🙂 ~Christy

  5. This is really a very stunning tablescape – you’ve done a marvelous job – love it all!
    I hope you have a blessed weekend,

  6. Beautiful! Love everything, hard to go wrong with summer hydrangea! Hope you’ll add Amaze Me Monday to your party list!
    (Your assistant did good too!)

    1. Thanks so much, Cindy! I will check it out on Monday! I am so blessed with my wonderful assistant! ~Christy

  7. Lovely, can’t wait to see the tour of your home in the Summer Showcase. Just a little tip: if you keep water in your jars of hydrengea they will eventually sprout roots (about 3 weeks). They can be planted in individual pots for the rest of the season then planted in the ground to become full beautiful shrubs within a couple of years. If you would like the Hydrengea cuttings on your table to dry then dump the water out. I am sure you already know all this but maybe someone else will try to grow their cuttings into a shrub. I smile every time I look out the kitchen window and see my two Hydrengea shrubs I grew from cuttings and I do not have a green thumb. I just left the cuttings in a solid colored vase too long and didn’t know they grew roots until I was going to throw them away. Happy accident!

    1. Thanks so much, Robin!!! I know about drying, but never thought about trying to root them! What an awesome and thrifty thing!!! I am just nuts for hydrangeas!!

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