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$3 Goodwill Lamp {ASCP Tutorial}

Score!  I love this lamp.  It reminds me of Pottery Barn without the price tag.  Don't get me wrong!  If there is an item for the home and it's a classic, I don't mind the investment if it's affordable at the time.  BUT….when I find a beauty like this, $3 is the charm!!!
I am really wanting to get the guest room completed.  We've only (said with sarcasm) been in this house for 8 years!  Oh well, sometimes it takes a while!  What I envision will look great on the pine chest in the room. 
Enter the players~
All of the ASCP colors I had on hand.  I do need to replenish my supply soon!  I changed my thought process during this redo.  I started out thinking a lighter pallet by doing a coat of Pure White.  I then decided to go with a layer of French Linen, Duck Egg topped with French Linen.  I wanted to see the depth of colors when I distressed in a few places.
French Linen 
Duck Egg
Final coat of French Linen 
I took her outside to lightly distress with a fine grit sanding block.
Now honestly, all I needed to do was 1 coat of Duck Egg and 1 coat of French Linen.  I was just trying to make up my mind.  Silly me!!!
The only prep work involved was cleaning the lamp.  No  pre-sanding or priming was needed.  Annie Sloan Chalk Paint is the bomb!
After distressing, I dusted the lamp really well while still outside.  I applied a very thin coat of the clear ASCP wax with my dedicated brush and immediately buffed it.  I took a little break and came back over and applied my dark wax again with a dedicated brush.  I really make sure to push the wax with the brush into the crevices.  I then immediately buffed with a clean old t-shirt cloth.  Make sure you apply wax with lint free towels.  I did go back and apply some extra wax here and there.  Depending on the look you want, you could have just gone with the clear wax.  The dark wax really ages the color.
She was missing the shade harp when I purchased it at Goodwill.  I was able to purchase one from Amazon to fit for $5.06.  Make sure you measure for the correct size.  I took one off another lamp to try and decided to order an inch larger.  This lamp used an 8 inch one.  At the end of the post, I'll have link to the actual one I purchased.
The shade was a surprise find at Homegoods for only $16.99.  The burlap one I wanted from Pottery Barn or Ballard was much more expensive.  This one isn't burlap, but close enough.  Not a bad lamp for a grand total of $25!
The chest was purchased new 8 years ago.  I just love it!  The mirror is hand carved from Italy.  Those are my more expensive pieces with my Goodwill lamp and $5 vintage oil painting from EBay.  I have started a small vintage oil painting collection through EBay.  I was quite obsessed with it over the summer and how inexpensive they could be purchased!!  Shhhh!! Don't tell anyone.  I am still collecting!
Still not finished with this vignette!  I plan to add some plates above the mirror.
The lamp shade photographs a bit shiny, but it is actually a linen look.  I am still learning the photography thing!

I just love the reflections from mirrors!

Here is the exact harp that I used!  You can click the item to order.

Also on OSH!  Christmas Tree Basket

Happy Pinning and Sharing!!

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Happy Pinning and Sharing!!

Also on OSH!  Painting Outdoor Furniture {Thrift Store Find}



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  1. What an awesome makeover! I can’t seem to find anything at our Goodwill. I looked at the burlap shades at Ballard and Pottery Barn as well and they are so overpriced! I came across a large Burlap shade from Hobby Lobby for $29.99 and I had a 50% off coupon so it was quite the bargain!

  2. I love your lamp! Who would’ve guessed it was just waiting for you and paint to be beautiful!
    Loved your cabinet organizing too.
    Love your blog so much we are joining you. Please check us out and maybe you will join us. We found you at Simple and Sweet Fridays. Have a great weekend.

    Linda and Jeannie at The French Hens Nest

  3. The lamp is the bomb..but i love everything else too! Did you happen to buy that needlepoint rug at a goodwill in Georgia??!! lol I donated one just like it years ago! I wish I still had it! 🙂

  4. Wow you got a fabulous deal on that lamp and it looks fabulous…..love the color! The whole vignette is so beautiful :o) I am still working on our upstairs hallway and we have lived here for nine years!!! It seems like the space will never come together some days…..

  5. Truly amazing. Love the funky shape of that chest. Yes Pottery Barn would have sold that lamp for close to 200 I would think. Saw you at Debbiedoos.

    1. Wow, Kelly! Thanks so much….it means a lot! You have been an inspiration being one of the first blogs I started following. It is what created my own desire to start a blog! Hugs 😉

  6. The lamp turned out very pretty. I just love the vintage wood lamps and they paint up so nicely. I just bought one for 25¢ and turned it into a stand. May have wished I had left it a lamp, because I really like yours. New follower and will be back to visit more.
    Audrey Z. http://audreyzumwalt.blogspot.com/
    Timeless Treasures

  7. I think I told you already on FB how much I LOVE this make over but I will tell ya again I LOVE this lamp! Thanx for joining THT and hope your week is going well!:)

  8. Your lamp turned out beautifully! I just love it! Isn’t it fun to find great bargains and turn them into wonderful treasures? Found you on Stone Gable tutorials, tips and tidbits. Now following.

    1. Thanks so much! It is quite the hunt when going through Goodwill. We have 2 about 20 minutes from each other. I just stop in when out by one. I usually don’t make a special trip. It can really be hit or miss. I really appreciate you stopping by!

  9. Great makeover! I get pretty lucky from time to time at HG too for shades. Once I found one that even had a harp attached! (I figured someone broke the lamp)

    I really like the pretty chest and mirror, too. I found you from Metamorphosis Monday, and I will follow.

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