
Amazing Pantry Ideas

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Have you been hit with the organizing bug? I sure have. I've been torn between getting rooms and molding painted and getting our house in order! I have so much that I want to clean out, but only so many hours in the day. 

We have a fairly narrow pantry closet that I will organize, but it quickly gets into a state of disarray. I really don't house a lot of food items in it. It mainly houses cooking appliances, baking pans, large dishes and such. We mainly use a cabinet with pull out drawers for food storage. I'm planning on emptying all of the pantry closet and the drawer cabinet and totally starting fresh. 

I thought I'd pull together a few inspiring photos of amazing pantries to get me motivated!

Organized Pantries

  • Makes it easier to create a grocery list
  • check expiration dates
  • finding things easier
  • easier for kids and family to find items
  • see exactly what you have (not have 6 containers of baking soda!)
  • cook more efficiently
  • save money by not over purchasing items
  • just looks pleasing to the eye!!

These pantries are full of ideas for all of your pantry needs! Everything from budget friendly to going all out are included.


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While some of the pantries I'm featuring are much larger and elaborate than mine, I can pull elements to hopefully make our pantry more functional! This pantry is large featuring not only shelving, but cabinets and drawers! The main takeaway for me are the see through wire baskets. Those are great for boxed items.
For items that you quite frequently use like cereals and baking items, I do love them placed in clear containers. I have mine in clear containers, but the problem is that they do not match. I'm thinking that if I were to update those containers, then it would be easier to keep the space more organized. Nothing fancy in this pantry…..the containers just match!
This is very similar to my pull out pantry drawers with labels and all. I'm thinking that I can make it work even better for me if I work toward more matching storage containers so that they line up better. 
The above photo is from my pantry drawers. You can find more of it HERE and with a tutorial on making these simple labels. 
I'm really crushing on these produce bins! I am also noticing the common theme of putting less used items up high and out of reach. 
Look how dreamy this farmhouse styled pantry is! The navy cabinets and butcher block counters are just so warm. I'd probably lock myself in here on occasion! I do like the jars on the right shelf. It's really a matter of deciding what kind of storage that you want to go with. 
It's amazing what matching baskets can do! These would be great finds at Dollar General or Dollar Tree.
My mother has a pantry area very similar to this in her kitchen. An area around the corner was carved out. It's really great for having things in plain sight and not having to dig around. It's something that you might even be able to add to an existing space.
This is the perfect example of having a little fun with color inside your pantry! 
Try a fun paint treatment or that wallpaper you've been wanting to use!
Isn't this one beautiful with a counter and sink. This would be perfect for flower arranging!
Have a little fun with your pantry! This is a great opportunity to add a salvaged door or screen door for that country, vintage look! 
While this pantry is much neater than mine, it is very similar in use. Very affordable options have been used here!
I love the idea of carving a space out like this for simple storage.
Wire shelving is a great, affordable option for a pantry. 
See those wire shelves on the wall? I have those on the back of the pantry door, and I LOVE them! It's a great way to carve out more storage. 
Here is an excellent DIY on adding a cabinet in an empty space. It's pretty genius with a built-in area for an electronic sweep vac! You can find all the details at The Handyman's Daughter
10 Tips for an Organized Pantry- Organize your pantry for no cost with these 10 easy tips.
Here is a great post on organizing your existing pantry from Organized 31!
Here is some very doable pantry organization that is real-life! I especially love that bin at the bottom for bags of chips. That is genius! Visit DIY Beautify for all the details. 
Whimsical and simplicity at it's finest with this pantry from H2O Bungalow!
Salvage Sister and Mister went and built a new space for a pantry! 
I have always admired this industrial farmhouse look pantry that you can DIY as well from DIY ShowOff
This is seriously such a cool idea! The DIY Village created a built-in look where the pantry closet used to be! 
You need to go look at the before to see just how wonderful this is just with containers!!! Dreaming of Homemaking created a wonderful space by unifying the containers. 
This is a beautiful farmhouse styled pantry makeover from Living Letter Home. This amazing look was accomplished on a small budget!
On a tight budget? Check out how Zuchinni Sisters organized this pantry for under $12!!! Yes, you heard that right!
 Charleston Crafted  created this pantry utilizing ever bit of space for efficiency! 
Here is another pantry that started out as a pantry closet. I am so in love with those pull out drawers from Hey There Home
I hope you are feeling as inspired as I am!! 

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Here are more ideas on the blog about Organizing Your Home!




Thanks for sharing!

Also on OSH!  Printable Love Bundle

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