
Get Inspired with Artsy Chicks Rule

For the next few weeks, I'm going to be away quite a bit so I have some wonderful bloggers filling in for me! One thing I've found about blogging friends…they are always willing to help out! Some you may know, but you may just be discovering your next favorite blogger! Please share the love and give their blog a visit! The first blogger up is a blogger that I consider a dear friend…even though we haven't met in person! I feel like I've known her for ever!

Let's give a big welcome to Nancy from Artsy Chicks Rule! She has all the 411 on painting with chalky paints! Welcome, Nancy and thanks bunches!! ~Christy

Get Inspired Guest Series at Our Southern Home


Hi all!

Thank you so much for having me here today Christy!


My name is Nancy and I am a mother of 2 (one adult child and one high school student) and wife to one fabulous guy.
I write a blog called Artsy Chicks Rule about my love of DIY, design & decor on a budget.
I love re-inventing thrifty finds, making signs & graphics and a little bit of everything else.
My husband and I have been DIY-ing for many years.
We moved into an older home almost 10 years ago and have basically rebuilt every inch of it (literally!) in that time. 

Every bit of it by ourselves.

It's a *fun* process although I would have to admit not so much when you actually live in it at the same time! 😉

Here's one example of our very dated “before”….
Kitchen Before and After Annie Sloan Chalk Paint

Kitchen Cabinet makeover with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.
You can read more about our home here and see a few room tours here.

Also on OSH!  Introducing A New Series {GET INSPIRED}

I also love doing anything “artsy” and have my entire life.
Which is why, when I started thinking about writing a blog, my husband came up with the name….Artsy Chicks Rule.
He's called me his “arsty chick” for 25 years so the name was a perfect fit!

My motto – Re.store, Re.style and Re.love.

I'm a thrifty girl. Always have been! I love a deal…..and I love to decorate on the cheap!
It's amazing what you can do.

Above all, my favorite thing to do is paint and bring new life to old pieces, either thrifted or those I already own.
I move things from room to room and re-invent things constantly around here.

This Aubusson Blue Chalk Painted Thrift Store Dresser  is one of my all time favorites.
This also happens to be one of my favorite colors in the Annie Sloan Chalk Paint line.

Isn't that blue fabulous?Aubusson Blue Chalk Painted Thrift Store Dresser - Walnut Top - DIY Wreath - Holiday Home Tour


I'm an Annie Sloan Chalk Paint lover and have painted just about everything with it at this point!
Here is a favorite post of mine showcasing the many things it can be painted with.

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Not Just For Furniture / Artsy Chicks Rule

And finally, one of my favorite re-dos.
My dining room set. We've had this for over 17 years now.
I had been considering replacing it with a brand new set but they are so darn expensive.
That just goes against everything in me so …I refinished & painted it!
It's amazing how different it looks. And it was so inexpensive to do.

Dining Set After Paint-Refinish

 I also love signs and I love “writing” on everything. Well, almost everything. 😉
You can see some of my graphics projects here.

Also on OSH!  Get Inspired with What Meegan Makes

I'm so happy to have had this opportunity to share some of my favorite things with you!
  And again, THANK YOU Christy for having me! 🙂

Artsy Chicks Rule Ad

You can also find me on Pinterest, Facebook & Instagram, among others!

Hope to see you soon!

Signature for Blogsmall

I told you Nancy has the 411 on chalk painting!!! Thanks so much Nancy for sharing a little bit of you and your amazing creative style today! Now hop on over and give Nancy a visit! ~Christy



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  1. Nancy is fearless when it comes to paint and I love it! What a fun post and I’ve never seen her dining table post! Beautiful! 🙂

  2. Nancy doesn’t look old enough to have children that old..looks like a teenager herself, maybe college age..Welcome Nancy…I love all the stuff you’ve painted using Annie Sloan paint..will have to go back over and make sure I didn’t miss anything..Thanks for sharing all your makeover successes with us.

  3. so great to meet you!!

    I have been inspired by bloggers, like you to share my heart. I blog about my struggle with Huntington’s disease, and would be honored if you would follow my journey.


  4. Aw thanks so much Christy!! I feel the same exact way about you!! So thankful for your friendship. 🙂
    And thank you so much for featuring me today on your blog!

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