
National Olive Oil Month

**This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf  of Pompeian**

Did you know that August is National Olive Oil Month?

August is National Olive Oil Month! Join me as I talk about ways to substitute butter with olive oil via Our Southern Home

I've been a consumer of olive oil for years! I keep it right by the stove for easy cooking access. Honestly, I grab the olive oil before butter when cooking. It's much healthier, and I don't have to grab it from the fridge!

August is National Olive Oil Month! Join me as I talk about ways to substitute butter with olive oil via Our Southern Home

Since National Olive Oil Month is upon us, Pompeian is celebrating by launching the Pompeian Pledge! It's a call for consumers nationwide to swap butter for olive oil in everyday recipes. It's really easier than you realize.

Pompeian created this really cool conversion chart to help you with it! 

Pompeian, Inc.  has been Baltimore based since 1906 and is one of the leaders in olive oil, cooking wines and vinegars. It is the first olive oil brand to USDA Quality Monitored seal on its Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Swapping really is simple and healthy! You can swap in nearly all recipes.

August is National Olive Oil Month! Join me as I talk about ways to substitute butter with olive oil via Our Southern Home

Normally this brown rice recipe that I make calls for the fresh onion and mushrooms to be sautéed in butter. I simply ditch the butter and saute in 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Yummy!!

August is National Olive Oil Month! Join me as I talk about ways to substitute butter with olive oil via Our Southern Home

 We eat grilled chicken quite a bit. Our favorite way to do this is to brush olive oil on both sides. 

August is National Olive Oil Month! Join me as I talk about ways to substitute butter with olive oil via Our Southern Home

 Then simply give it a healthy shake of your favorite grilling seasoning. HINT! I always cut the boneless, skinless breasts in half. One is usually just too big for a serving size. I hate it when there is part left on a plate. We grill up the entire pack. I use the leftover chicken in another meal. I cut it up into pieces for a pasta dish!  I'll have to share that with you soon. It is great for a quick one dish meal on a busy night!

Also on OSH!  Kitchen Wish List from Wayfair

Another favorite swap is instead of buttering your bread….why not serve it with a little olive oil flavored with Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper. Place the olive oil mixture in a little saucer for light dipping. 

Instead of buying a salad dressing, I like to do the following. I make just enough salad for my family to have no leftovers. Pour olive oil and balsamic vinegar to a count of 3. Sprinkle in a generous about of Parmesan cheese and toss to coat.  You don't want to make too much in excess because it won't keep once tossed with a dressing.

Are you ready to take the Pompeian Olive Oil Pledge? Visit Pompeian to do so.  One thousand fans who sign up will be randomly selected to receive a gift from Pompeian which is a  free movie redemption code and a coupon for a free bottle of olive oil. It doesn't end there!  Every week 5 additional fans who have pledged will win a fun prize pack on Pompeian’s Facebook timeline.

Pompeian is also partnering for the month with movie theaters across the country to swap out popcorn butter for Pompeian Olive Oils. How cool is that!

August is National Olive Oil Month! Join me as I talk about ways to substitute butter with olive oil via Our Southern Home

Visit Pompeian to learn about their entire collection of olive oils.

I'd love to hear ways that you plan to swap out butter for olive oil! Are you already doing this…great! Share with us how below in the comments.



**This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf  of Pompeian**  

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  1. We use olive oil instead of butter 99% of the time when cooking. We even like to mix it with Italian seasoning and use it to dip breads in. Couldn’t live without it!

  2. I hardly ever cook with butter, EVOO is what I use. My mom puts EVOO and balsamic vinegar on small plates for bread dipping. I’d much rather have that than butter.

    1. I’ve even used it as a replacement for vegetable oil in cake mixes! Love dipping bread as well!!! ~Christy

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