
Tips for a good night’s sleep

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Many of us struggle with sleep……falling asleep and staying asleep are the main culprits.

I don't see how my husband does it…..his head hits the pillow and within a few short minutes…..I hear that deep breathing. Seriously!!

I won't lie…..it makes me frustrated and envious!

So I toss and I turn…….I worry about whether I will ever fall asleep!

I've read many articles in magazines and online. I've even discussed this with my friends. It seems to be a pretty common female issue!

In my quest to educate myself, I have learned that a good mattress is a must!

Havertys has you covered here! Havertys is having a fabulous Labor Day Sale!

They are also helping to get you started on your way to a fabulous night's sleep with their mattress contest!

Visit HERE to enter the contest to win the Grand Prize!

The grand prize winner will win a TEMPUR-pedic Queen Cloud Supreme Mattress Set valued at $2,699 RTV.

Enter to win and check the number one thing off of your list for a good night's sleep!

Here are a few more tips for a good night's sleep that have worked for me!

1. Before getting into bed….make a to do list for the next day. It helps me to not lie there thinking about what I need to get done tomorrow!

2.Try to stick to a regular bedtime and wake time….it works!

3. I rarely take a daytime nap. I find that it makes it hard for me to fall asleep.

4. Try to do some sort of exercise daily. Even just walking is fabulous!

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5. Sleep in a cool room. We bump the temp down about 2 degrees at night.

6. Get a little daily sunshine.

7. Have soft lighting in your bedroom.

8. Do some light reading at bedtime. It makes me sleepy in no time!

9. Keep your beside table free of your cell phone! Electronics can stimulate your brain and keep you from resting.

10. I'm a light sleeper! According to my hubby, he doesn't snore…sorry honey! A friend told me about noise machines that make a fan noise. I've been sleeping with one for about 6 months now, and it really helps drown out any light noises that disturb my sleep.

I am no sleep expert….this is just what I have found works for me! I'd love to hear your tips!

Jump on that restful night's sleep and click on over to Havertys to enter to win the mattress contest! You are allowed one entry from now through September 1st! You can earn an extra entry by sharing the contest on Twitter with the #HavertysYawn hashtag.

Be sure to check out Havertys fabulous Labor Day Sale as well!

Mark your calendars for #HavertysYawn Twitter Party on 8/27 at 1pm ET!

Here are ways to connect with Havertys!

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Best wishes in your quest for a good night's sleep. Good luck in winning the mattress!

*images courtesy of Havertys*

Visit http://www.havertys.com/ to enter the TEMPUR-pedic conetst for your chance to win a TEMPUR-pedic Mattress! 

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Havertys. The opinions and text are all mine.

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