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Early Spring Mantel

Early Spring Mantel

With March right around the corner, I've been itching to start decorating for spring! I've been dusting things like crazy and packing away winter touches like darker throws, faux evergreen and my deer. 

We've had quite a gloomy rainy couple of months so adding a bit of a light and airiness  to our home is just what the doctor ordered. 

Your mantel a perfect way to simply decorate for the seasons. I find that most of the decor stays the same in our family room, but love changing up the mantel. It's the focal point of most rooms. If you don't have a mantel, you can always do something similar with a console or dresser by a wall. 

This month for our Pinterest Challenge, we are recreating our version of a spring mantel.


Welcome to another installment of our monthly Pinterest Challenges hosted by my sweet friend, Cindy, from County Road 407


  • each month Cindy selects a photo for inspiration online that we will recreate
  • the owner of the photo has graciously given us permission to give our spin on the project
  • you will receive numerous ideas that you can replicate in your home to keep things fresh


This month's inspiration comes to us from one of my favorite blogs, Hip and Humble! This post actually contains a craft project making your very own spring stems, but I chose to take inspiration from the mantel as a whole for my inspiration. 

Also on OSH!  Peony and Grapevine Wreath

If you are hopping over from my friend Cindy at County Road 407, welcome! 

Be sure to check the end of the post for links to all of my blogging friends on today's hop!

My takeaways from this mantel:

  • one vase with stems
  • mirror
  • 2 candlesticks
  • greenery in a pot

I  adore the stained mantel! That chunky wood is amazing. My mantel is white and very traditional. I do not have as much open space on either side because I have hardwired sconces. 

spring mantel

I adore blue and white and have decided to start collecting more for our home. The pot with the plant on the hearth is well over 20 years old. The vase is new from an antique mall from a little Valentine's Day getaway that we just took. I got it for 40% off for a grand total of $14 and some change. I love it! It was exactly what I wanted for the mantel. 

family room

The sconces take up a lot of space on the mantel so my look is a bit more compact.


The oil painting is always a constant on the mantel. It's always here. I don't take it down and move it around or replace it with other things throughout the seasons. Sometimes you purchase a piece specifically for a space. It fits, it works, it's enjoyed….it stays. So I'm a bit different in the blogging world where I just don't have tons of art that gets moved around. I more than make up with this when it comes to pillows!!! Ha, ha!!! 

blue and white spring mantel

I incorporated 2 graduated candlesticks just like the inspiration photo. Mine are a bit chunkier, but the only ones that I have that are similar. 

Also on OSH!  Hello Spring Porch Tablescape


The inspiration photos has a larger plant of greenery behind the candlesticks. Due to scale, I used something a bit smaller and to the front. 


I do not have a round mirror. How is that possible? This one is from a thrift store. It's things like this and smaller art that I move around and use in vignettes. They are perfect for layering. I do think that I need to add a round mirror to my decor stash. 


Since my mirror is rectangular, I wanted to add something curved to mimic lines of the round mirror. The small clock worked just right!

spring mantel

My favorite element on the mantel is that new to me blue and white vase! I've had these pussy willow stems a few years now. I only have 3 and they came from Walmart.

To help taller stems stay in place and not make your vase top heavy, fill it with some epsom salts!

family room

family room

I am so ready to add more spring to our home in the upcoming weeks. Happy early spring!

Up next on the tour is Marty from A Stroll Thru Life

spring mantel

Be sure to check out my blogging friends sharing their own personal takes on the spring mantel. 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. I love the adjustments you made from the Pinterest inspiration photo, Christy! They’re perfect for your mantel, especially adding in that small clock and beautiful vase. Your comment about pillows made me laugh. One can never have enough pillows, right?!

  2. Epsom Salt?! Why didn’t I think of that? It’s genius! I always have trouble keeping things in place. Thanks for sharing that! You mantel is so striking. I love what you did and how you kept the beautiful painting. I always think people are tired of looking at that same lamb print so I change it up but then miss it when it’s put away. Oh no – I must be a sheep and not a Shepherd! :0 Thank you so much for joining and showing us a fantastic spring mantel! Pinned

  3. Your mantel is so pretty Christy. I’m always looking around at antique stores for just the right blue and white china. Your vase is lovely and works perfectly with your painting and all the spring elements you pulled together. Love it!

  4. That oil painting is beautiful, and so intriguing, like something from an enchanting fairytale! Makes you think about where that pathway leads, so magical! I love your take on the spring mantel. We are building a home and I am excited to have a tall stone fireplace with a big mantel to decorate! I have a fireplace now, just not as substantial. I adore the casual traditional style of your home, so warm and cozy, thanks for sharing!

  5. I love how you layered the mirror and the clock with the pretty flowers on your mantel. Your home is always so pretty to see and your fireplace and mantel are one of my favorites.

  6. I am in love with your mantel and how you have it styled for Spring this year. Your version of our inspirational mantel is perfect for your home, which is awesome that we can take some inspiration from a pin and make it our own. I love that.

    Very pretty Christy!

  7. Happy early spring to you, Christy! I love that you DON’T take down your painting because I am pretty much the same way with our mirror over the mantel. Love how you’ve decorated yours!! The b/w pot was a great find!!! I have thought about swapping our mirrior for another that is sitting next to my dresser in our bedroom but have yet to do that ~ maybe later this spring. 😉 Also, since I like the after-Valentine’s theme I have up on the mantel currently, that’s why I went with my dresser to decorate this time. Happy to be on the PC tour with you again!!! <3

    Love your living room as it is… So comfortable! Enjoy this time of early spring.
    Big hugs,
    Barb 🙂

  8. I agree that your beautiful oil painting never needs to be taken down. Your spring mantel looks so pretty and I love how the mirror reflects the blue and white vase with the branches.

  9. Christie, working within the space you have is what challenges us as home decorators. My favorite on your mantle is the blue and white vase and the little clock which is very whimsical. Your eyes definitely focus in on your pretty mantel.

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