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Organizing Your Child’s School and Art Work

Thanks for sharing!

At the start of every new year I get the organizing bug! 

I guess it starts with the clean slate that is there after several months of holiday decorating. 

I am participating in the GET ORGANIZED 3 day event!

The complete list of links is below so you can visit the others for creative organizing ideas!

Today I'll be sharing with you my project on Organizing Your Child's School and Art Work.

Getting Organized


Back when my son was born 17 years ago, scrapbooking like it is today was a relatively new concept. I started doing it with my son's early years, but when my daughter came along it was just so overwhelming for both. I continued to work on it off and on. As they started school, I streamlined the process and just scrapbooked school events for them, with photos, work samples and certificates. Needless to say, to me it's an overwhelming project with all that I have my hands in!

Ashlyn actually started working on her own in the summer months, but there is just so much to do!

In the meantime, memories were stashed here and there with no order……and it was driving me nuts!

I decided to take a different approach! AND it is working perfectly for me!

I went to Staples and bought letter/legal sized plastic file storage boxes and a box of hanging file folders. 

They are similar to these from Amazon.

Storex Letter/Legal File Tote with Locking Handle, Clear/Silver (61530U01C)

 Then I got busy labeling the hanging file folders by age (before school) and grade once they were in school. I did multiple boxes for each of my 2 children. My end result is seen in the next 2 photos. I'm going to show you how I dressed up the boxes to leave out in our home. I really didn't have another place to store them, and I didn't want them in the attic to possibly get damaged from temperature changes.

Also on OSH!  Spring Decorating Ideas

summer home tour

Here they are turned sideways to fit on the shelf in the upstairs laundry room.

summer home tour

Here they are turned to the front. This is where I have the 2 current boxes. They are really getting full so I need to get a couple more. The kids place items to keep on my desk, and I file them. 

For the decorative part you will need chalkboard contact paper. The link to Amazon is below.

Sticky Back Chalkboard Contact Paper Roll 18″ X 30″ w/ Eraser -Great for Walls

I came across this awesome tutorial for making labels using Pic Monkey on Pinterest.  Go visit the wonderful site Blissfully Ever After for this fun and EASY tutorial! She will share with you how to make the label pattern.

Storage file crate project to store child's school years memories from Our Southern Home

Here I have made my label pattern with the chalkboard contact paper. I cut out the number that I needed. These were the same labels that I used for my Pantry Makeover.


You will also need sheets of scrapbook paper to cut to the size of which ever face of the crate will show. Then I simply used double stick tape to adhere it to the box. Nothing is permanent. They have been on these boxes for about 9 months and have not fallen off. You could Mod Podge the paper to the crate for a more permanent option. 

Storage file crate project to store child's school years memories from Our Southern Home

When I placed the file boxes up here, I didn't like the open look. It just looked cluttered and unfinished. Adding the sheets of scrapbook paper inexpensively and quickly dressed them up!

Storage file crate project to store child's school years memories from Our Southern Home

I used my paper cutter to get a straight edge. Double stick tape secures the paper to the box. 

Also on OSH!  Candy Tree {Tutorial}

Storage file crate project to store child's school years memories from Our Southern Home

 Simply eye your placement of the chalkboard label. Then write on it with chalk.

Storage file crate project to store child's school years memories from Our Southern Home

If you have school age children, they are always having to do timelines or projects about their life. This makes it easy to pull items from the appropriate year. 

I really purged papers and art as I organized the storage crates. I had accordion files for each of them purchased from a catalog. They were adorable, but didn't hold enough and were busting at the seams. Of course, I have trouble throwing away anything that their sweet little hands were on! I'm getting better!

Storage file crate project to store child's school years memories from Our Southern Home

The beauty of this storage system is that as I pick back up with the scrapbooking, it will be easy to pull out a folder at a time to work on. My goal is to do a second purge as I do that. My sweet local friend, Leslie, from Goodbye House, Hello Home gave me some wonderful advice when I was sharing my dilemma with her! She said that my kids aren't going to care about all of that paper when they are grown….only I care about it. She suggested letting them purge their files and keeping what they love! That is a great idea…..I hope to let go one day and let them do that! Thanks, Leslie!

I created a template file to keep any kind of pattern that I make. That way, it is easily accessible for future projects! Happy organizing! Believe me…..it is liberating!

Be sure to visit the other bloggers below. They are so creative!!

You can follow Our Southern Home on PINTEREST

Also on OSH!  Summer on the Screened Porch

I share lots of behind the scenes of projects in progress and some family along the way on INSTAGRAM.  Instagram is such fun. I’d love for you to follow! (@Our Southern Home)


Monday, January 20

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Fresh Idea Studio

Rappsody in Rooms

Sweet Pea

Tuesday, January 21

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Wednesday, January 22

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Thanks for sharing!

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  1. I really needed this as I am currently struggling with my kindergarteners papers and projects. Thanks for the great idea! I love it!

    1. Thanks so much, Stefany!!!! I so know what you mean. With mine in 9th and 11th grades….I still want to save it all. It is really helping me file it away until I can scrap it…one day! LOL! Thanks for visiting!! XXOO Christy

  2. So organized and awesome! It’s a good feeling isn’t it Christy?! Love the filing idea because like you all the school and art projects x 3 girls that come into our house always freak me out. It’s a lot but I don’t dare throw it all away. I actually have a few years for each of the girl’s filed but I could stand to catch up. Thanks for the inspiration! And, making me feel normal. 😉

    1. Awww, thanks Therese! The papers are never ending when they are younger. It’s not near as bad in high school. I really have trouble letting go of it! Hugs, friend! ~Christy

  3. Just a suggestion from an old lady! In 1983 my son made a three dimensional Santa sitting in a chair with construction paper in school and impressed his teacher and principal but eventually it started fading, then disintegrating . I wish I had taken a photo of it as a keepsake. He didn’t care about keeping anything!

  4. Christy, this is a great idea! My boys aren’t in school yet but they do make art projects at home. I need to start a system like yours now so I’ll have a place for everything when the time comes. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Jen! I wish I had started out this way with mine. It makes it so easy to file and then go back through at a later time! Happy touring with you! ~Christy

  5. This is a terrific idea! I especially love your friend’s idea to let the kids choose what they want to keep, except in my son’s case, he would want to keep everything ha ha! BTW, too bad you don’t get compensated for providing Amazon business…because you just made them a sale! Who knew there was chalkboard contact paper? Can’t wait to play with it! XO

    1. Thanks so much, Christy!!! Join the Amazon program as an affiliate if you haven’t. It’s easy to add text links in your posts on occasion! 🙂 Feel free to message me if you have questions! ~Christy

  6. Christy-great project. I love how you disguised them and prettied them up to leave out in plain sight. I would definitely use them more if they were out like that instead of stuffed way up in the top of our closet! (like mine are now) Have a great week!
    ~ Tami

    1. Thanks so much, Tami! I toyed with the idea of putting them in the closet, but it made them hard to access in mine. This way they are easy to grab and add to. Thanks for stopping by!!! ~Christy

  7. I wish I would have read this thirty years ago. My son is 38 and so many of his school papers were eventually tossed. I did save a few in those old scrapbooks with the newspaper type pages. Thanks for your creative ideas and the chalkboard contact paper. I’ll be ordering some! ~Jeanette

    1. Thanks so much, Jeanette! Yes, I used to use those newspaper type scrap book pages! Have a wonderful day!!! ~Christy

    1. Thanks, Abby! It sure makes it easy and convenient to save their little treasures! Fun partying with you! ~Christy

  8. Very clever idea….. even for those of us with no children. Very handy. I am going to check out those boxes now. I don’t have any storage space, but I hope to make some shelves for here in my little office room. Thanks for the information and instructions.

    1. Thanks so much, Cheryll! I think they’d be great for organizing a number of things…..sewing patters, craft ideas, recipes, magazine tear outs, important papers! Thanks so much for stopping by and all of your support! XXOO Christy

  9. What a great idea! I also love the chalkboard contact paper….it has so many uses! I’ll have to file these ideas away for my future children. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much, Megan!!! I think you could use it to organize blogging ideas as well! Have a wonderful day!! ~Christy

  10. Love these bins! I have done what Leslie suggested but I always wait until the end of a school year when my kids can see everything together, that way they are more likely to keep the most special pieces!

  11. I know that your kids love going through their boxes for a trip down memory lane. My mom kept a huge scrapbook for me and my brother and I still like going through it. I hadn’t thought about how convenient it is for your kids to have what they need for school projects about their lives with everything contained in a few organized boxes.

    I had no idea that chalkboard label material comes in contact paper. I love how you used them for the boxes and for your kitchen. Any teacher could make great use of a roll of it!

    1. Thanks so much, Paula! One roll of the contact paper lasts a long time. I can see where you could use it a lot in the classroom!!! Thanks for stopping by! ~Christy

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