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Saturdays on the Porch

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Welcome to the first in my new series, Saturdays on the Porch!

It will not be a post about any one specific thing. 

It will be more about my random thoughts from the week, discoveries, and tips from the week!

Just pretend that we are sitting on the porch on a mild-weathered day together chatting like friends over a tall glass of sweet tea!

woman standing in doorway with dog

Saturdays on the Porch #1

I must say that this has been a very busy week at Our Southern Home. The entire new year has been busy. I'm not complaining though! Let's get started!

Squeal! This office chair was just featured on this popular blog! You've got to check it out, it's one of my absolute favorites!

My At-Home Manicure Routine

I've been really trying to keep my nails painted. It seems to keep them stronger, and just makes me feel a bit more put together. I've never been much for going to the nail salon. Fun fact, I can't stand a pedicure. My feet are so ticklish so it's just not a relaxing experience for me. I've gotten into a great nail routine on my own. I swear by Sally Hansen Gel Polish. It requires just 2 steps and no special equipment. I do add a base coat and use a quick dry coat. TIP to making it last the week: about 2 times during the week, I add another topcoat of this. I've been using this same system for several years. I also use a nail dryer. I've had mine for years. 

Here are my steps!

  1. Use this cuticle remover
  2. Apply this base coat and let dry
  3. HINT: I use an old cardboard nail file and cuticle sticks to remove any polish that gets on the skin immediately with those tools and set the tools on a tissue after. 
  4. Apply 2 coats of this nail color. The color on Amazon looks very different than my actual bottle so I'll post a photo of my color on my nails. It's not anywhere near as bright in person. It's a very pretty pink.
  5. Use a nail dryer for 45 seconds to a minute in between coats. Mine is really old and loud. I think the motor is close to going out so I've got my eye on the one I linked. 
  6. MUST apply this 2nd step to activate the gel polish. This all removes with regular polish remover. It's not the hard gel polish the salon uses that requires soaking to remove. That's why I love this system. It's like regular polish that does not damage your nails but wears extra hard. 
  7. Whatever polish I use, I ALWAYS use this quick dry top coat a couple of times during the week to extend my manicure.
  8. I used to use rubber gloves to wash dishes, but they never last. I've switched to this scrubber. Doing this helps my DIY manicure last longer.
woman holding a cup of tea
Here is the nail color mentioned above.
woman holding a cup of tea with pink manicure

What I'm Reading & Listening to this week!

I listen to Audible books all the time. I listen with my Christmas present earbuds while I walk and with my Alexa while working in the house. I'll even play them through my car speakers if driving alone. It has really helped me get through hours of painting trim in our house.

Also on OSH!  Saturdays on the Porch #6

Recent books that I've listened to:

I'm currently on book 5 of The Beach Plum Cove series. It's really a great series to listen to while around the house. It really makes me want to visit Nantucket. HINT!!!! Download the Hoopla app and enter your local library card to listen to the series for free. I always try to listen to books through the library for free. I use my 1 Audible credit per month for new releases that aren't always readily available at the library.

Books that I'm reading on Kindle:

HINT!!! Same Hoopla principle for Kindle books first before purchasing. 

I'm currently reading The Paradise trilogy by Elin Hilderbrand. It is so good. It's actually going to be a new series that Ellen Pompeo (Grey's Anatomy) is producing for ABC! I can't wait for that. 

Chico's Partnership

I'm so excited to have partnered with Chico's to do a couple of fashion posts with them on Instagram. I've fallen in love with their clothes. They are definitely a bit more expensive, but they run sales all the time. The quality and fit are perfect. I'd love for you to visit Instagram and give my post with them a like and comment and well as watching my stories highlight.

Instagram accounts you need to check out!

I love Instagram. It's a great place to get ideas. In the app, click the little eye glass circle button and search hashtags. You can literally find anything. You can also browse Instagram on your desktop as well!

I adore his account for classically styled homes. He is an incredibly talented designer! He uses color and texture like no one else!

Love this fashion account for over 50 fashion ideas. She's out of Germany, but you can easily apply her ideas to what you already own. 

Also on OSH!  Saturdays on the Porch #30

To go gray or not?

I've been contemplating this for over a year now. My color is just not sticking like it used to and feels like my hair is thinning. I have colored myself for years. I just can't bring myself to drop the big bucks at the salon. I have been using eSalon for about a year now. I just canceled it to see if I can go gray. If I give up, I'll be signing back up for my eSalon membership. What are your thoughts? Have you done this? Check out the #silversisters hashtag on Instagram for inspiration. Here are a couple of accounts that I've been following along on their journey. There are many more!

Be sure to check out the latest posts on the blog!

I hope you've enjoyed the first edition of my Saturdays on the Porch! I plan to do this each Saturday with random thoughts on the week. 


Thanks for sharing!

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  1. I’m an example of someone who doesn’t like spending the money on cut & color too! My natural base color is a sort of what is called a “dirty dishwater” blonde, although my hair also has natural red tones as well. My hairdresser told me what it would take to gently take me to grey hair. This was the more expensive way of treating my hair all at once instead of cutting it short as I could (it’s already short at the moment). I didn’t like the price tag and still I lament the fact that I’m just too chicken as well. I will be 73 years old in April. I have been toying with the idea of getting a good wig and then hiding my hair until it turns all over grey. There are some quality wigs on the market right now that would make the “grey caper” a lot less intimidating in the short term. The other thing is in addition to the constant hairdresser appts. I know that eventually I will have to face up to the fact that I’m getting older and deal with it. I don’t dress in a dowdy way, keep my weight in a good range, and exercise and eat well. Now if I could just have a real “come to Jesus” moment with myself. I will have to change my outlook. Good luck to you Christy–sounds like we’re in the same boat on this one. I enjoy your website immensely — and thanks so much for all the great information you provide.

    1. Kathleen,
      Sorry to just be seeing this. Your comment landed in the spam folder on the blog. It won’t again. I flagged it as NOT spam. There are a couple of gray hair groups on Facebook that I am a member of. It’s a great community for supporting the transition process. Quite a few have gone the wig route. I think it’s a great idea. Mine is a bit awkward right now. I don’t think I could ever go too short. My dear friend had long, gorgeous black hair. She buzzed it off herself during lockdown. I was shocked. It looks so cute now in a shaggy bob as it grows back out.

  2. What never a pedicure!!!! 😜 i can’t live without my every two week trip to the salon. Love your recommendations. To go grow or not…. that’s a tough one Have a good week

  3. I say to go grey! But I bet you knew I would!😉 you could ask a hairdresser about how to add color highlights as you go so it won’t be such a stark contrast growing out, but I bet you knew that too! Off to checkout the silver sisters hashtag!

    1. Thanks, Julie! I’m pretty excited about it. It’s just a month right now. I’ve been trying to wash just 1-2 times per week so that’s keeping the color hanging on. I may end up looking into your suggestions to get through the bad times that I know my hair will go through.


  5. I have had this conversation several times with my hairdresser. I have dark brown hair with balayage ends and I am tired of the two week “sweet spot” that I get after she works her magic–my grays are obvious after about two weeks. Her approach is to lighten all the hair over several visits and incorporate low and highlights. She also mentioned going as short as you feel comfortable because this approach damages your hair. Basically, I am too chicken to make the decision. Lol! My sister has gone totally grey and her hair is gorgeous and in such great shape, as Deborah said in her comment. Keep us posted:)

    1. I love this possible way of doing it. I’ve followed several that do this. I guess it’s key to find a good colorist. You described the 2 week sweet spot perfectly! That’s totally it! I’m such a chicken!!! My husband laughed and said I’d look the same…just 20 years older. He was teasing, but I’m scared that will be the truth! I know it’s all in how you dress, wear your hair and makeup! Kind of excites me to wear fun earring that get lost with dark hair and bold lipsticks!

  6. Tried going gray naturally, awfully long and ugly process! Get thee to a Goldwell salon, ask for the master colorist, and you can be partially gray throughout in one visit!!!
    I did it last week and am absolutely thrilled! Please, just get a consultation to see before and after photos of previous clients. You won’t be sorry! I went from brassy red to a beautiful ashy gray in one 2.5 hour visit. In a few more monthly visits, I will be completely naturally gray! If you email me, I will send you my own before and after photos.

  7. With regard to going grey I am an expert! I stopped coloring my hair when my daughter left for college, I was about 44 at the time. My natural color was very dark brown so the greys were very apparent when the roots grew out. I am now 69 and have never looked back. From my experience the easiest way is to cut it as short as you can, layer it and it will grow out in no time. Some people add low lights but I didn’t. I kept my eye on the goal and let nature do its thing. My hair was so much healthier and not having to go to the hairdresser every 4 weeks and sit for two hours was wonderful. I still have my hair cut every four weeks as I now where it short, long on the top layers and short on length and it is a breeze. Be aware you will have to adjust your makeup as your hair color changes but it is worth it. Good luck , it is a very freeing experience,


    1. I love hearing this! My good friend actually buzz cut her gorgeous, long dark locks. It’s growing in a beautiful salt and pepper. I could never do that, but as the color fades and really gets noticeable, I’ll cut shorter. I’ve always wanted to try blond, so I look at it as the next best thing going Gray. Glad you said that…makeup colors will have to be adjusted for sure!

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