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Over 100 Recipes for Christmas

Over 100 Recipes for Christmas!

Christmas is just a few sleeps away! I am most excited about my kids coming home. Ashlyn has been in Florida for the week with her boyfriends family. He graduated from college there on Monday. They are due back from the almost 9 hour drive this evening. Woods won't be home until Monday. He's going to NC to spend the weekend with his girlfriend's family. I am so used to them being home earlier in the month after exams. Woods has been doing an engineering internship this semester through Clemson so he opted to work until the spring semester starts in January. He will have the entire week of Christmas off plus extra time for the first…..paid. So he's excited about that. 

We are so very close to being done with our Christmas shopping. I'm going through my recipes and planning the menus for the next few days through Christmas. We are hosting Christmas this year. I've never cooked a ham so if you have tips let me know!

While going through my recipes, I thought I'd share a few here from the blog to help you plan. 

I host a Christmas breakfast every year so the first 2 recipes will be what I cook every year. It's become a tradition and family favorites. I love them because I can prepare them the night before and just bake in the morning. We have the grits and egg casserole with mixed fruit. 

Breakfast Ideas!

The following recipes are perfect for the holidays for breakfast!

Also on OSH!  Ham Delight Sandwiches
The next set of recipe ideas are perfect for nibble and appetizers!

Appetizers, Sweets & Beverages for the Holidays!

Yummy nibbles for appetizers and snacks!

Soups are great for Christmas Eve and for those busy days around the holidays! 

Yummy Soups to Warm the Soul!

Warm up for the holidays!

recipes graphic

I wish you and yours a blessed and beautiful Christmas!

Also on OSH!  Breakfast Recipe Collection


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